Advertise on Inside Gatlinburg

Inside Gatlinburg is the fastest growing website dedicated to providing the best tips for visiting Gatlinburg, TN. Visitors to Inside Gatlinburg are highly targeted users interested in discovering the very best that Gatlinburg has to offer. The “insider tips” and trusted suggestions that are provided sets Inside Gatlinburg apart from the crowd of informational websites. This creates an exciting and unique opportunity to advertise your business or service to an audience that is seeking out the best in Gatlinburg, TN.

Stats and Demographics

Website Statistics

  • Average Monthly Visits: 15,000+
  • Average Monthly Pageviews: 60,000+
  • Average Time on Site: Over 4 minutes

Newsletter Statistics

  • 12,200+ Subscribers (Targeted Opted-in users)
  • Bi-weekly Email Newsletter


  • Slightly more female than male audience
  • Predominant age range: 35-50
  • More demographics at

(Stats updated: February, 2009)

Website Advertising

1. Premium Header Ad – 125×125 pixels

The Premium Header Ad is the absolute best place to advertise your business throughout the entire website. Your ad appears as a 125×125 pixel square at the top of every page. The great part is that you will not be confined to any of the four potential boxes…your ad will go into rotation with the three other ads beside it so that the order always changes and provides equal opportunity to be in the most effective positions!  

(use the contact form below to grab this spot before your competitor!)

Premium Header Ad

2. Sidebar Ad – 125×125 pixels

The Sidebar Ad gets a lot of visibility as users read articles throughout the website. Your ad appears as a 125×125 pixel square on the side of every page where your brand will receive maximum exposure. The great part is that you will not be confined to either of the two boxes…your ad will go into rotation with only one other ad beside it so that the order always changes and provides equal opportunity to be in the most effective position!  

Only 2 Left!
(use the contact form below to grab this spot before your competitor!)

Sidebar Ad

3. Contest Sponsorships
One of the most popular features of Inside Gatlinburg is the contests that we run from time to time. Our last contest (Inside Pigeon Forge Getaway Giveaway) generated 1000’s of visitors and ended up being a huge benefit to everyone who entered. It called for entrants to simply provide their best tip for visiting Pigeon Forge, TN and one of the entries was selected to receive a package of show tickets donated by local theaters. This resulted in enormous exposure for the theaters at the extremely low cost of simply donating free passes to their shows!  

If you would like to be a sponsor in future contests, use the form at the bottom of this page to set up your sponsorship. If you run a theater, cabin rental, chalets, hotels, restaurants, dinner shows, etc. then this is the perfect opportunity to get some amazing advertising for practically no cost! There’s no catch…we simply want to provide the best experience for people interested in visiting Gatlinburg, TN!

4. Partnership Opportunities

We understand the nature of the business in Gatlinburg and want to provide the best solutions for you to share your business or service with our targeted audience. While a monthly advertising plan may work for some, you might be looking for an alternate solution. We are currently open to partnerships using a “lead” or “pay per action” model in which you only pay for the business we generate for you.  

Let’s use a cabin rental company as an example. If you have a solid method of tracking referrers (affiliate link, embedded referrer code, etc) then a partnership could be worked out for various sponsorships for the newsletter as well as the website. If this interests you, contact us using the form at the bottom of this page for more details.

Newsletter Advertising

1. Premium Newsletter Sponsorship – 468×60 Ad

468x60 Ad
This premium spot places your business at the very top of the biweekly Inside Gatlinburg Newsletter. This is a monthly sponsorship in which you are guaranteed to be in 2 emails that go out to over 12,000 targeted customers each time! This spot is currently available for $100 per email blast (Advertise to over 12,000 people for only $100!). To reserve your spot use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

2. Sidebar Newsletter Feature – 120×240 Ad

120x240 AdYour sidebar feature appears directly beneath the “Hot Articles” links in the newsletter, which is a very popular spot that users view. This is a monthly sponsorship in which you are guaranteed to be in 2 emails that go out to over 12,000 targeted customers each time! This spot is currently available for $75 per email blast (Advertise to over 12,000 people for only $75!). To reserve your spot use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

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