A Haunting Experience… If You Dare!
Since 1980, the Mysterious Mansion in Gatlinburg has been properly scaring people. Located on River Road in Gatlinburg it is off the beaten path but one of the cornerstones of the attraction industry in Gatlinburg. This is a walk through attraction—you start out in one room of the mansion and you journey through the creepy, the dark and the spooky as you roam from room to room. But don’t worry, even though you are going to get nervous, scared, maybe even terrified you are going to have a great time and be safe the whole way through.
The Mysterious Mansion is located on River Road. This is the road that runs in front of Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies, parallel to the Parkway. If you take the turn onto River Road in front of the aquarium, keep a look out for Edgewater Hotel. Right past Edgewater, on the right is Mysterious Mansion. You might be able to find a place to park in front of the attraction itself but if not find a parking lot or garage and walk to the mansion and get ready to be scared.
Part of the draw of the Mysterious Mansion is the exterior. The design of the exterior of this attraction is perfect. If you close your eyes and try to imagine a haunted house, you would picture something like the Mysterious Mansion. Looking completely out of place between the hotels along the road, take the walk up to the front door and begin your journey – if you dare. You will start your journey in one of the rooms on the main floor of the mansion. From there, you start to wind your way through other dark rooms, down to the basement, up to the attic, around twisting, creaky staircases, looking for a way out. As you walk, the tension will build. You will break out in a cold sweat as you doubt your ability to get out of the mansion. And along the way you might even might some of the darker denizens of the mansion.
Now, all of that being said, this is an attraction, a family attraction. Nothing is going to happen to you at the Mysterious Mansion. Their atmosphere is perfect and you will feel a definite sense of apprehension as you walk around in the dark. The quality of the attraction will ‘suck’ you in. You will start to believe that you are in a haunted house and that you might be in danger, but you aren’t – you are in an attraction in Gatlinburg, TN and the people that run the attraction are doing exactly what you asked them to do – scare you!
Visit the Mysterious Mansion on your next trip to Gatlinburg. Take your family and get them good and properly scared. Everyone enjoys a good haunted house and the mansion is not only a great haunted house but it is a landmark in Gatlinburg. Small haunted houses are disappearing around the country. Step into one that is done right, get your scare on and enjoy the fright of your life.
Mysterious Mansion
424 River Rd
Gatlinburg, TN
7 Days a Week 2pm – 10pm
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